Friday, May 14, 2010


The AR status project took me longer to finish than expected. I came into the AR program in my month 5 which I think has made things difficult for me. I didn't start fresh like everyone else. When looking over the the AR blog entries, I realized that my months didn't correspond with what was listed. The only preparation I had was a conversation with Dr. Ludgate over the phone. I did some research of my own, but research and the actual process are so different. I think that's why I wanted to take a LOA and join the AR program because I wanted to be doing something with the research. My project has been disappointing to me because my students didn't response the way expected, and I was hospitalized and away from school for two months. So the publishing/leadership project is going to be challenging.

1 comment:

  1. One thing that might be hard to realize is that when things don't go as planned, the overall project can still be considered a "success" because we learn from the project. When we test something that doesn't come out as planned, that's not a failure, that's an opportunity to learn something that alluded us before. This is something that we've failed to communicate is that if cycle one "blows up" the correct response isn't to abandon the project and go in a different direction, but to tweak things learned for cycle two. Always moving forward/never moving backward.
