Friday, May 14, 2010


This video would have been perfect for last month's LMO.
However, I wanted to share it. You may have seen it already
but it rings true for us emerging into the world of technology.

Last month, Dr. Gibson said we were now experts given the
information we have learned.

I don't feel like an expert, but I do know much more than I did
a year ago. It will take me awhile to get where I want to be in
this information age, but I am enjoying learning everything we
have been exposed to at FSO.

Teachers must move forward and embrace the technology that is available to us if we are to manage the
growth and potential of the students who are entrusted to us to educate. They are our future and to ensure
our future is in the best of hands, we must do everything we can to move our districts in the direction of
technology advancement.

Did You Know 4 0 Media Convergence and Technology

I was unable to add my comment to Patricia's site, but I wanted to comment on the video that she posted. I am an elementary school librarian, and I just found out this week that my district is eliminating all elementary librarians. Students will have opportunities to use the library, but it will be the teacher's responsibility to bring them now instead of a fixed time. I have mixed feelings about this. Watching the video, I know there's a lot more time spent reading e-books, online magazines, online journals, etc....., but I can't see how a computer or phone can take the place of a book or the mother/father reading to his/her child.

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