Friday, May 21, 2010


Jolyn deMeritte writes........

I’m currently torn between publishing my AR research or presenting it. There are some great education journals, magazines and sites out there that I’d like to see my name on. I’m considering Edutopia, Teacher magazine, Education Next or a missive with the International Journal of Learning and Media (IJLM). I want to plant the seeds for virtual teaming. I would love to collaborate with schools outside of my county, state and/or country.
Conversely, I’d really like to see virtual team become a reality in schools not just an academic idea. If I were to present, I’d like to send proposals to speak at the following conferences: National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC), Distance Learning Administration, National Staff Development Council (NSDC), or the Georgia Assn. for Gifted Children (GAGC).

Kelly Jankowski said...

Wow, how interesting! Just imagine some day that might be the only way kids get their education through virtual learning. Good Luck to you. Hope it all works out.

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