Friday, May 21, 2010



Time to start looking at where to post. Still foggy on what to do for the Publishing/Leadership project. I hope to know what I'm doing by the end of the week. One resource I would love to publish to would be Edutopia. I have gotten most of my information and references from the magazine and two Edutopia groups I joined called Middle School, and Arts/Music/Drama. I don't know what I would do without Edutopia.

The farthest I've gotten in acquiring a submission for publishing is downloading the submission release form. I cannot submit without one. Along with that, I just need to once again, organize, organize, organize!

I want to submit into the section for the Arts, possibly in a feature section. I'll work on it.

Kelly Jankowski said...

I love Edutopia also. I have subscribed to the magazine and couldn't have lived without it for this program. Well, are further along than I am with the project because I haven't even downloaded a submission release form yet. I guess I better get to it. And don't feel alone about being in a fog about the project because you aren't. I am trying to take one day at a time. What gets done gets done!!! Don't stress over it. Good luck to you!!!!!

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